Learning from the mistakes
D reams are essential commodities. They give us energy to propel forward. We put our blood, sweat and tears to make our lives much more exciting. But a small mistake may shed everything. However, mistakes may happen only when someone tries to do something new from routine. Nobody does a mistake while grooming 😅😅😅 Technically, ‘mistake’ and ‘fail’ are not the same. Failure is an outcome of misinterpret/misguide, whereas mistake is that misinterpretation. Mistakes!!!! They do define us in deed. We can learn from mistakes, correct them and can stop ourselves from repeating them. But one can only learn from a failure and cannot have any control on it. Adversities are an integral part of human experience, hence fear of failure should never stop us trying and should never lose sight of where we want to go. How can our wishes be left with a sense of foreboding and cry over spill milk. #Give_it_back! Both good and bad things blend to define the mean...