
It's been 4 years since we both exchanged letters. You last sent me was a congratulatory note and it meant so much to me then. I still remember those intriguing childhood stories of yours that you shared in Letter-18. I get amazed of how elephantine your memory is, to remember every moment you past through! Here I would like to write you a thanking one for enlightening me with such memories.
One day, you were having your regular evening walk in Sivalayam by holding my brother's hand. Being younger one, I sat on your shoulders comfortably and were looking at things in taller perspective from there :P. Although, you were using your internal energy to move around, technically I was steering with your hair along the path I wanted. That day we were enjoying the twilight off the shrine.
There were situations when we (as kids) brought the temper in our parents for being mischief, I still remember that you defended us by saying “if they are not taking words doesn’t mean that they are reluctant to change, it is just too early for them to be in big boots”. You have unique way of looking at things. Reminding those memories of ours will always drift the time as glitch.

It doesn't seem practical to any individual who has such such huge family network and at the same time for a monk with no emotional attachments. You always wear a smile on your face despite of disturbances at living home itself. And you reply with the same smile and it overrides everything. Too much of KT for me! Thus I always feel that an old and young is the best combination to maintain friendship. One has time to learn and another has wisdom to teach, one look for ultimate growth and another look for inevitable death and finally both come together for companionship which is short and sweet. Bizarre!!

Whenever I miss you, I read our conversations, it fills the gap of your presence. Those letters give the thought of wisdom to so many problems. I thank you  for giving such insight.

Lots of love

“Don’t make yourself too useful. Let others involve in you to care, share and nurture you. This brings the best in you.” - SriRama Chandra Murthy Chinta


  1. Truth comes by passing time and experience by spending time....memories always cherish as they dont need time medium....as the look of grand father is always a path way to kid.....its a nourishing phase of life......intelligence adds comfort to life....hopefully

  2. Really awesome Da
    And the true one which many of us still not find out and to say thanks to those memorable

  3. Lucky are those who get a chance to experience such relationship :-)

  4. Great reflection! You are blessed


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